1. sigma solutions payday loan
    sigma solutions payday loan

    sigma solutions payday loan


    We all know the USA payday loan search is spammy, it always has been, but after the big G unleashed their update directly tackling it I have to say it was cleared up to the best I have ever seen it.

    However, after the latest update in October it seems they've taken 2 steps backwards.

    Previously, hacked websites ranking high were there for a day or 2 then taken down, it has always been that way, but since October these sites are still there. Despite submitting spam reports, how on earth are these sites still ranking for over 8 weeks now? In fact there's been extremely little movement in the serps for payday loans since this update.

    Perfect example is the ieee-pels website, the search for 'direct payday loan lenders' delivers 9 entries from this website in the first 20 results - all links redirecting to a payday brokers website. This site has obviously been compromised. As well as that, there's the powa.org site that has been hacked and a couple of others.

    Does this indicate bigger problems at Google tackling webspam again in these areas? These spam results all but disappeared up until the 5th October - something is definitely not right for them to be ranking for so long. Something in that algorithm update has dug up all of this spam again.
  2. sigma solutions loan phone number
    sigma solutions loan phone number

    sigma solutions loan phone number


    What is best month days for you to monetize PayDay Loans offers?
    I detected that my conversions and email submits stopped after 15 Jan (because of salary day may be) and still not performing well till now. I hope that it will start working again during about week or so.
    But anyway I would like to know if that is common behavior of PayDay Loans niche or what?
    Anybody knows which days are best and which are worst for this niche regarding to experience?

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    sigma solutions loan customer service number

    sigma solutions loan customer service number


    I have a website on USA payday loans. i want to take affiliate but i have no FCA licence. Lenders want FCA licence to provide Affiliate. Any one can help me to start affiliate.My site is in good ranking. THANKS FRIENDS

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